Friday, June 27, 2014

Dyeing Yarn

I have been dyeing some yarn again, with my beloved Kool-aid. It's just so fun and easy and the colors you can get when mixing are just incredible. Of course, it's pretty expensive here in Finland, as only a few stores carry it. When I finally get to the States on holiday, I wonder what my luggage will be full of when I come back...

Here is Hyacinth Blooms, dyed with Mixed Berry and Grape Kool-aid, mixed in different ways:

Then we have Watermelon sans the seeds, dyed with Watermelon (2 packets) , Cherry Limeade (2) and Black Cherry (1) Kool-aids:

In this one the yarn was originally light green. I wanted to do something with it but wasn't quite sure what. I went into the wrong direction first and was actually pretty sad and thought I might have ruined it forever. But finally with the correct ratio of Mixed Berry and Lemon-Lime I was happy with the result. There are still some purple undertones showing from my "failure" but I think they will blend nicely when knit up.


Then we have two dyes I couldn't have done without Ghoul aid, the Halloween flavor of Kool-aid which seems to be somewhat difficult to find for even those living in the States sometimes. The first one is  dyed with two packets Orange Kool-aid, ½ packet Peach Mango and ½ Ghoul aid. Ghoul aid is pretty much gray and when you put in the water, you see all different color spots before it fully dissolves. It makes other colors less bright (as Kool-aid is pretty candy-colored) and gives them a kind of deepness that you might not otherwise get.


Okay, this one is my real love. I first dyed it with turmeric (months ago) but was a little unhappy with it. I don't know, yellow just isn't my thing. So it was previously like this:

But I overdyed it with two packets Lemon-Lime, ½ packet orange and 3/4 packets Kool-aid to this beautiful color I call Undergrowth:

Now that is some yarn right there!

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